* closed to new investors
^ withdrawn from sale
Δ Historical interest rates and performance for FirstRate Saver and current interest rates for FirstRate Term Deposit are available on the FirstRate interest rates page.
# Hedge Fund unit prices are calculated and declared approximately four to six
weeks after each month end. The performance figures for hedge funds shown here
are as at the date stated above. This month's hedge funds performance figures
will be available to you in four to six weeks time.
## Super and TTR investment options are taxed at a maximum of 15% at the fund level.
The other investment options on this page are generally not taxed at the fund level.
†Returns are calculated on a cumulative year-on-year basis which are then annualised. For funds that have been in existence for less than one year, the since inception performance is actual performance since inception and not annualised. Calculations are based on exit price to exit price with distributions reinvested, after ongoing fees and expenses but excluding individual tax, member fees and entry fees (if applicable).
These figures represent past performance only. This information is general
information only and does not take into account your individual objectives,
financial situation or needs. You should assess whether the information is
appropriate for you and consider talking to a financial adviser before making
an investment decision. The performance shown for Colonial First State Premier
CMT and Colonial First State Cash Management Trust represents the net income
paid to unitholders expressed as an earnings rate.
Past performance is no indication of future performance. Avanteos Investments Limited ABN 20 096 259 979, AFSL 245531 (AIL) is the trustee of the Colonial First State FirstChoice Superannuation Trust ABN 26 458 298 557 and issuer of FirstChoice range of super and pension products. Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352, AFSL 232468 (CFSIL) is the responsible entity and issuer of products made available under FirstChoice Investments and FirstChoice Wholesale Investments.
This information may include general advice but does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation, needs or tax circumstances. The Target Market Determinations (TMD) for our financial products can be found at
www.cfs.com.au/tmd, which include a description of who a financial product might suit. You should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Financial Services Guide (FSG) carefully, assess whether the information is appropriate for you, and consider talking to a financial adviser before making an investment decision. You can get the PDS and FSG at
www.cfs.com.au or by calling us on 13 13 36.