List of funds

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  • Investment type: Institutional and Master trusts
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Wholesale Index Funds
Fund/option Investment category Benchmark asset
Minimum suggested
Performance & prices More information
CFS Wholesale Indexed Australian Bond Fund
Australian fixed interest 100% Cash and fixed interest
Multi-manager At least 3 years Medium (4) Unit prices
CFS Wholesale Indexed Global Bond Fund
Diversified fixed interest 100% Cash and fixed interest
Multi-manager At least 3 years Medium to high (5) Unit prices
CFS Wholesale Indexed Australian Share Fund
Australian share 100% Australian shares
0% Cash
Multi-manager At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
CFS Wholesale Indexed Global Share Fund
Global share 100% Global shares
0% Cash
Multi-manager At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
CFS Wholesale Indexed Property Securities Fund
Australian property and infrastructure securities 100% Property securities
0% Cash
Multi-manager At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Wholesale Funds
Fund/option Investment category Benchmark asset
Minimum suggested
Performance & prices More information
CFS Geared Global Share Fund
Geared 100% Global shares
0% Cash
Multi-manager At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
First Sentier Strategic Cash Fund
Enhanced cash 100% Cash and money market securities
FSI No minimum Very Low (1) Unit prices
Daintree Core Income
Short duration fixed interest N/A Cash & Cash Equivalents
N/A Australian Fixed Interest
N/A Global Fixed Interest
N/A High Yield
N/A Mortgage and Asset Backed Securities
Multi-manager At Least 3 years Medium (4) Unit prices
Janus Henderson Diversified Credit
Short duration fixed interest N/A Cash and short term securities
N/A Corporate Debt
N/A Australian Hybrids
100% Australian Fixed Interest
N/A Australian asset backed securities
N/A Global High Yield Credit
N/A Global Secured Loans
N/A Emerging market debt
Multi-manager At least 3 years Medium (4) Unit prices
Macquarie Dynamic Bond
Diversified fixed interest N/A Sovereign bonds
N/A Investment grade credit
N/A High yield
N/A Emerging markets debt
Multi-manager At least 3 years Medium to high (5) Unit prices
Macquarie Australian Fixed Interest
Australian fixed interest 100% Australian fixed interest and cash
Multi-manager At least 3 years Medium (4) Unit prices
Acadian Australian Equity Fund
Australian share 100% Australian shares
0% Cash
Acadian At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
First Sentier Concentrated Australian Share Fund
Australian share 100% Australian shares
0% Cash
FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
First Sentier Imputation Fund
Australian share 100% Australian shares
0% Cash
FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Martin Currie Australia Equity Income
Australian share 100% Australian Shares
0% Cash
Multi-manager At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
First Sentier Australian Small Companies Fund
Australian share - small companies 100% Australian shares
0% Cash
FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Acadian Sustainable Global Equity Fund
Global Share 100% Global shares
0% Cash
Acadian At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Stewart Investors Worldwide Leaders Sustainability Fund
Global share 100% Global shares
0% Cash
FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Stewart Investors Worldwide Sustainability Fund
Global share N/A Global shares
N/A Cash
FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Acadian Australian Equity Long Short Fund
Specialist share 100% Australian shares
0% Cash
Acadian At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Acadian Global Equity Long Short Fund
Specialist share 100% Global shares
0% Cash
Acadian At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
CFS Global Health & Biotechnology Fund
Specialist Share 100% Global Shares
10% Cash
Multi-manager At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
CFS Global Technology & Communications Fund
Specialist Share 100% Global Shares
10% Cash
Multi-manager At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Janus Henderson Global Natural Resources Fund
Global Share 100% Global shares
0% Cash
Janus Henderson At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
First Sentier Property Securities Fund
Australian property and infrastructure securities 100% Property securities
0% Cash
FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
First Sentier Global Listed Infrastructure Fund
Global property and infrastructure securities 100% Infrastructure securities
0% Cash
FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
First Sentier Global Property Securities Fund
Global property and infrastructure securities 100% Global property securities
0% Cash
FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Acadian Geared Australian Equity Fund
Australian share 100% Australian shares
0% Cash
Acadian At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Acadian Geared Sustainable Global Equity Fund
Geared 100% Global shares
0% Cash
Acadian At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
CFS Geared Share Fund
Geared 100% Australian shares
0% Cash
FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
CFS Wholesale Cash
Enhanced cash 100% Cash and money market securities
Colonial First State No minimum Very Low (1) Unit prices
Acadian Wholesale Australian Market Neutral Fund Australian Share 0% Australian shares
100% Cash
Acadian At least 5 years Medium to high (5) Unit prices
First Sentier Australian Share Fund
Australian Share 100% Australian shares
0% Cash
FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Generation Global Share Fund
Global share 100% Global shares
0% Cash
Generation At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
First Sentier Geared Global Property Securities Fund
Geared 100% Global property securities
0% Cash
FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
First Sentier Global Corporate Bond Fund Short duration fixed interest 100% Cash and fixed interest
FSI At least 3 years Medium (4) Unit prices
First Sentier Conservative Fund
Conservative 15% Australian shares
10% Global shares
5% Property securties
70% Fixed interest and cash
Multi-manager At least 3 years Medium (4) Unit prices
First Sentier Balanced Fund
Moderate 25% Australian shares
20% Global shares
5% Property securities
50% Fixed interest and cash
Multi-manager At least 5 years Medium to high (5) Unit prices
First Sentier Diversified Fund
Growth 35% Australian shares
25% Global shares
5% Property securities
5% Global infrastructure securities
30% Fixed interest and cash
Multi-manager At least 5 years High (6) Unit prices
First Sentier High Growth Fund
High growth 40% Australian shares
10% Australian small companies
50% Global shares
0% Cash
Multi-manager At least 7 years High (6) Unit prices
Wholesale Mezzanine Investments
Fund/option Investment category Benchmark asset
Minimum suggested
Performance & prices More information
Acadian Defensive Income Fund - Class A
Australian Share 0% Australian shares
100% Cash and fixed interest
Acadian At least 4 years Medium (4) Unit prices
Realindex Australian Share Value - Class A
Australian share 100% Australian shares
0% Cash
Realindex Investments At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Realindex Australian Small Companies Value - Class A
Australian Share - Small Companies 100% Australian shares
0% Cash
Realindex Investments At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Realindex Emerging Markets Value - Class A
Global share - emerging markets 100% Global shares
0% Cash
Realindex Investments At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Realindex Global Share Value - Class A
Global share 100% Global shares
0% Cash
Realindex Investments At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Realindex Global Share Value Hedged - Class A
Global share 100% Global shares
0% Cash
Realindex Investments At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Aspect Diversified Futures Fund - Class A
Alternatives N/A Cash, futures and forwards
Aspect Capital At least 5 years Medium to high (5) Unit prices
Acadian Global Managed Volatility Equity Fund - Class A
Lower volatility share 100% Global shares
0% Cash
Acadian At least 7 years High (6) Unit prices
First Sentier Investment Grade Corporate Bond Fund
Diversified fixed interest 100% Global fixed interest and cash
Multi-manager At least 3 years Medium (4) Unit prices
Aspect Absolute Return Fund - Class A
Alternatives N/A Cash and Derivatives
Aspect Capital At least 5 years Medium to high (5) Unit prices
Affirmative Global Impact Bond Fund - Class A
Diversified fixed interest 100% Cash and global fixed interest
Affirmative Investment At least 3 years Medium to high (5) Unit prices
Acadian Global Equity Long Short - Class A
Specialist Share 100% Global Share
0% Cash
Acadian At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Acadian Australian Equity Long Short - Class A
Specialist Share 100% Australian Shares
Acadian At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Baillie Gifford Long Term Global Growth - Class A
Global share 100% Global shares
0% Cash
Baillie Gifford At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
Baillie Gifford Sustainable Growth - Class A
Global share 100% Global shares
0% Cash
Baillie Gifford At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
CFS Index Australian Share - Class A
Australian share 0% Cash
100% Australian Shares
FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
CFS Index Global Share - Class A
Global share 0% Cash
100% Global Share
SSgA At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
CFS Index Australian Bond - Class A
Australian Fixed Interest 100% Cash and fixed interest
Multi-manager At least 3 years Medium to high (5) Unit prices
CFS Index Property Securities - Class A
Australian property and infrastructure securities 0% Cash
100% Property securities
FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
CFS Index Global Share - Hedged - Class A
Global share 0% Cash
100% Global Share
SSgA At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
CFS Index Global Property Securities - Class A
Global property and infrastructure securities 0% Cash
100% Global property securities
SSgA At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
CFS Index Global Bond - Class A
Diversified fixed interest 100% Cash and fixed interest
SSgA At least 3 years Medium to high (5) Unit prices
CFS Index Global Listed Infrastructure Securities - Class A
Global property and infrastructure securities 0% Cash
100% Global infrastructure securities
SSgA At least 7 years Very high (7) Unit prices
CFS Enhanced Cash - Class A
Enhanced cash 100% Cash and money market securities
Colonial First State No minimum Very Low (1) Unit prices
CFS Index Conservative - Class A
Conservative 10% Australian shares
14% Global shares
3% Global Property Securities
3% Global Infrastructure Securities
60% Fixed Interest
10% Cash
Multi-manager At least 3 years Medium (4) Unit prices
CFS Index Diversified - Class A
Moderate 18% Australian shares
24% Global shares
4% Global Property Securities
4% Global Infrastructure Securities
43% Fixed Interest
7% Cash
Multi-manager At least 5 years Medium to high (5) Unit prices
CFS Index Growth - Class A
Growth 30% Australian shares
36% Global shares
7% Global Property Securities
7% Global Infrastructure Securities
19% Fixed Interest
1% Cash
Multi-manager At least 5 years High (6) Unit prices
CFS Index Moderate - Class A
Moderate 23% Australian shares
27% Global shares
5% Global Property Securities
5% Global Infrastructure Securities
35% Fixed Interest
5% Cash
Multi-manager At least 5 years Medium to high (5) Unit prices
CFS Index Balanced - Class A
Growth 26% Australian shares
32% Global shares
6% Global Property Securities
6% Global Infrastructure Securities
27% Fixed Interest
3% Cash
Multi-manager At least 5 years High (6) Unit prices
CFS Index High Growth - Class A
High Growth 35% Australian shares
44% Global shares
10% Global Property Securities
10% Global Infrastructure Securities
1% Cash
Multi-manager At least 7 years High (6) Unit prices
CFS Thrive+ Sustainable Growth - Class A
Growth 30% Australian shares
50% Global shares and Private Equity
9% Australian Fixed interest
10% Global Fixed interest
1% Cash
Multi-manager At least 5 years High (6) Unit prices
CFS Defensive Builder
Conservative 4% Australian shares
6% Global shares
7% Property and infrastructure securities
63% Fixed Interest and private debt
20% Cash
Multi-manager At Least 3 years Medium (4) Unit prices
CFS Growth Builder
Growth 29% Australian shares
43% Global shares
3% Private Equity
10% Property and infrastructure securities
10% Fixed Interest and private debt
3% Alternatives
2% Cash
Multi-manager At least 5 years High (6) Unit prices
CFS Equity Builder
High Growth 39% Australian shares
60% Global shares
1% Cash
Multi-manager At least 7 years High (6) Unit prices
Product Disclosure Statements (PDSs) describing each product are available from this site or by contacting our Investor Service Centre on 13 13 36. The relevant PDS should be considered before making a decision about any product.

Minimum suggested timeframes
Investment professional will have differing views about the minimum period you should hold various investments, and your own personal circumstances will also affect your decision. The minimum investment period ranges are listed, however, you should regularly review your investment decision with your financial adviser because your investment needs or market conditions may change over time. Our minimum suggested investment timeframes should not be considered personal advice.